Third Quarter, 2024
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes, Oh Yeah!
The only constant in our lives is change. As musical legend David Bowie once said, “Ch-ch-ch-ch changes! Turn and face the strange.” The song hints that the best path is to embrace the strange, unwelcome, or opportunistic changes life throws us. Although “Changes” was not released until 1972, Bowie penned it in 1969 near the height of the social and political turmoil of the 1970s—sound familiar?
Our passion as wealth strategists at Waddell & Associates is to help you navigate changes more skillfully. Not just in your investment portfolios, but more importantly, in all of these other areas:
- Health and aging – your own and that of your loved ones and friends.
- Change in residency – whether to rent or buy.
- Whether to spend or save, or both. Whether to buy or sell, when and why.
- Financing choices – borrowing, how & when? Pay off mortgage or re-finance?
- How to adjust to rising or falling interest rates? Changes to your income.
- Changes in employment: when to retire, semi-retire, or start a new career?
- How to navigate divorce, sickness, or loss of a spouse, partner, loved one, pet, or friend.
- Aging at home or in a retirement community for your loved ones, or for you?
- Estate planning – do you want to leave a legacy? When is it best to consider charitable giving and how should you start?
- Inheritances and gifting — assessing the consequences of how you name beneficiaries.
- Analyzing the importance and effects of taxes on these decisions.
BOTTOM LINE: Ch-ch-ch-ch changes. Rely on the credentialed and experienced wealth strategists at W&A to help you skillfully face changes, oh yeah!
Sources: Wikipedia;