The Inflation Threat Is Hooey, Even as Money Supply Climbs, Says Savant

The Inflation Threat Is Hooey, Even as Money Supply Climbs, Says Savant

The inflation jitters are upon us. After a disturbingly large hop in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (up 5.4% for the past 12 months through July), a lot of people are worrying about a return to double-digit inflation, which was vanquished four decades ago.

Not to worry, argues David Waddell, CEO and chief investment strategist at Waddell & Associates. The vast increase in dollars, known as the money supply, or M2, won’t translate to nasty round-robin price escalations. And, in fact, Waddell adds, it will help fuel further economic growth.

Chief Investment Officer
Picture of David S. Waddell

David S. Waddell

CEO, Chief Investment Strategist